Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bristol Palin break up issue with Levi Johnston

The teenage daughter of Sarah Palin and her fiance Levi Johnston have broken up just over two months after the birth of the couple's child, Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston.

Bristol said in a statement to the Associated Press that she is "devastated."

Bristol told Greta van Susteren of FOX News' that they intended to get married after they both finished high school. See the interview video below.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Sarah Palin on break up issue.
"The road ahead for this young couple will not be easy, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Bristol and Levi are committed to accomplish what millions of other young parents have accomplished, to provide a loving and secure environment for their child," Sarah Palin said in January, a few days after Tripp's birth.

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