Thursday, March 5, 2009

Anoop Desai, American Idol Wild Card Selection (Video)

America didn't vote but the judges did, and the wild-card round see the return of such favorites as Matt Giraud, Megan Joy Corkrey, Tatiana Del Toro and Anoop Desai. Jump in coz the video is just leap away below:

American Idol wild card winners:

Michael Sarver, he's the oldest contestant this year (by a couple of months), only slightly older than ...

Danny Gokey, good looking, a powerful voice AND a heartstring-tugging story. His wife died only weeks before his first audition. 

Alexis Grace, like Kelly Clarkson, the judges said (she won, you know...)

Allison Iraheta, she has enormously thick hair. That's not why she's in the competition, it's just always the first thing I think when I think of her.

Kris Allen, nice chap, almost completely unmemorable, but just the right kind of cute for the voting demographic. 

Adam Lambert, has dark floppy hair and is extremely adorable in an Emo kind of way (if that's what the kids are still calling it) though rocks a musical-theatre singing style that may polarise judges and voters alike.

Lil Rounds, her house blew away in a tornado, you big meanie! etc - but of course can also sing up a storm (no offense intended). A firm judge favourite.

Scott MacIntyre, scores highly with judges and voters for overcoming challenges - Scott is almost completely blind, and has been all his life.

Jorge Nuñez, powerballadise? Powerballate? Oh whatever.

Jasmine Murray, is the first of the Wild Card choices and should appeal strongly to the Miley Cyrus market: as soon as they can get her to step away from the big songs and embrace her youthful perkiness. 

Megan Joy Corkrey, fun factfor you there. She also has tatttoos. I don't know who designed them. From the looks of it, possibly the resident artist of the Hell's Angels Youth Wing.

Matt Giarud, if that isn't the most magical sentence you've heard today, then you, my friend, live a charmed life indeed.

Anoop Desai, slightly geeky and with a likable stage presence, he was the extra contestant admitted to the final twelve, making it a final thirteen for the first time in Idol history (I think)

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