Thursday, June 25, 2009

Perez wrote About Michael Jackson

Just received a tweet from Canadian model and Playboy's Playmate Jayde Nicole: Omg I can't believe that @frankiedelgado @KimKardashian - Tweetering to Frankie Delgado and Kim Kardashian I guess.

And when I opened the tweeted link, here's what I found. A screen shot of blog post.

This is what Perez originally wrote about Michael Jackson. Then a photo of passed Jackson showed up, see the pic here at UptimeNews.

Heidi Montag also repond to this tweet: @perezhiton dont let the devil and his schemes get to you! it is not against flesh and blood but evil spirits! only God can judge us!

Then Jayde Nicole added: I am officially UN following Perez Hilton. Very disappointed at his actions today and over the last week. So sad...I suggest we take a stand.

I'm not sure if Perez post this or not, but when I checked Perez blog... there was no post such this. Maybe it was already taken out? What I've noticed is, there no pink border line on the photo, if it was been screen shot - Perez blog is pink themed which all photos posted is bordered by dark pink line. Uhuh! What's this?

Hope we could hear statement from Perez regarding to this issue soon.

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