Thursday, June 11, 2009

Megan Fox Thumbs Pictures

After her successful launching of Transformer 2, it looks like Megan Fox’s thumbs are one of the hottest buzz now on the internet.

Photos of celebrity actress with her unusually large thumbs become the favorite topic of every entertainment news blog. See Megan Fox thumbs pictures here at UptimeNews.

According to local hand surgeons.

"The nail of the thumb in this condition is often very short and wide. It is usually hereditary, Although it could also have been caused by frostbite (yeah, she open bite her thumb), or it could have been an injury to the growth plate in childhood. In Megan Fox’s case, it appears that only the last bone of the thumb is affected and that it does not involve the joint. For her, it looks like it’s just a cosmetic deficit," says Dr. Steven Bendner.

Fox embracing her imperfections.

"I know I'm seen as a sex object, I'm just really confident sexually, and I think that sort of oozes out of my pores. It's just there. It's something I don't have to turn on," celebrity actress statement.

UptimeNews gives you two thumbs up for that.

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