Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Carrie Prejean Fired: Miss California Loses Crown

Miss California Carrie Prejean just received her official letter of termination. Miss California USA is violating her contract by not getting clearance to do her extracurricular activities.

"This was a decision based solely on contract violations. After our press conference in New York we had hoped we would be able to forge a better working relationship. However, since that time it has become abundantly clear that Carrie has no desire to fulfill her obligations under our contract and work together," Keith Lewis, executive director of K2 Productions, said in the release.

It's not based on her political (Miss California Carrie Prejean get slam after honest answer about gay marriage) and moral (The Dirty Carrie Prejean Topless Pictures) views.

First runner-up Tami Farrell Miss Malibu is slated to assume the role and responsibilities of Prejean.

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