Monday, May 4, 2009

Jon & Kate Plus 8 - Scandal Issue

Friends of Jon (of Jon & Kate Plus 8) are defending him against rumours that he's stepping out after Deanna Hummel scandal (Picture together with Gosselin). Read thier comments on the said issue.

"They seemed like casual friends. There was no romantic anything. They weren't gazing into each other eyes," says Fagan.

"The guy just needs to be cut some slack once in while when he wants to relax a bit," says Sands. 

"He's just hanging out, relaxing with his friends. Honestly, he doesn't go out that much, It seems like he's on house lockdown. He's a fulltime Dad," says Sep.

"They have their disagreements but he's a family-oriented guy, i don't think he'd put that on the line," says Sands.

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