Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dane Cook "ISolated INcident" on Comedy Central

A Comedy Central special Dane Cook's "ISolated INcident" premiered on May 17, 2009 and CD/DVD release will follow on May 19. Cook will performs at the Laugh Factory to a crowd of only 30 people. He begun performing the new material live for the ISolated INcident - Global Thermo Comedy Tour, last April 25.

Comedy Central is presenting the premiere without commercial break which is unprecedented. viewers will follow the celebrity comedian on a unique comedy journey, as the performance was captured with a single camera, using only one, raw, unedited take.

Dane Cook "ISolated INcident" Track listing

   1. Intro - 0:26
   2. Obama - 3:45
   3. Self Assassination - 1:52
   4. Vernacular - 2:45
   5. Pissed Off - 1:49
   6. Twat Swatters - 2:21
   7. Banter #1 - 0:35
   8. Mom & Pops - 3:10
   9. Haters - 4:30
  10. Adoption - 1:24
  11. Syncing Feelings - 1:01
  12. W.W.Y.D.I?? - 4:21 (What Would You Do, If??)
  13. Interracial Tail - 2:01
  14. Remote Location - 4:48
  15. Push And Prey - 0:58
  16. Big Shot - 2:40
  17. Rigamarole - 2:26
  18. Role Play - 4:56
  19. Hidden Gems - 1:08
  20. Peanut Butter Smack - 7:04
  21. War Gamer - 1:47
  22. Banter #2 - 0:33
  23. The 'C' Word - 2:19
  24. Novel Ideas - 1:23
  25. Spiritual Comeback - 1:23
  26. Alternate Ending To Track 13 - 0:26
  27. Banter #3 - 2:53

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