Thursday, February 19, 2009

Linda Lou Taylor known as the most married woman

Linda Lou Taylor status, married 23 times, was in the Guinness "Book of World Records," do you think isn’t enough to keep her warm at night?

First married in 1957 at the age of 16 and her last marriage was in 1996 for publicity. The most married (married 29 times) man to the most married woman (23 times).

Mrs. Smith, Moyer, Massie, Scott, McMillan and Street is just a few names in her life. Currently Linda Wolfe, her longest at 7 years first marriage to George Scott was her best.

She gain lots of experienced in married and has had 7 children of her own in the 23 marriages and lives in a retirement complex. 

Married doesn't get lonely according to her, so even though Linda Wolfe is old, tired, broke; she says that she would marry again. Anybody?

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