Who's Kathleen Savio? If you want to know who's the lady beyond Drew Peterson arrest, here's the fact.
Kathleen Savio was born on June 13, 1963 she was the youngest of four children of Henry J Savio and Mary J Savio. The other children being in order from oldest to youngest Anna, Susie, Henry Jr. also from other marriages Funny,Pie, and Nicholas. Kitty always wanted the whole family thing even when she was younger she would dream of it. As she got older she always was achieving things from degrees and accomplishments that people would dream of having. The one thing that she got to have her in her life that she always wanted were kids. She had 2 boys by the name of Kristopher and Tommy. The worst thing about all of it is she had the kids she always wanted but didn't get the chance to see them fully grow into young maturing men because he rlife was taken and cut short by a murderer.
Savio family cries for justice, and I guess they're happy now with the case out come. Also the supporters of Kathleen.
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