Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx lashes out at Disney celebrity teen actress Miley Cyrus on his Sirius satellite radio show ‘The Foxxhole Sunday’
Digging the 16-year-old as a “naughty little white (bleep)” and advising the said celebrity teen to “make a sex tape and grow up,” entertainment news reports.
The fire starter issue: Cyrus pledged to “ruin” the band Radiohead after the notoriously shy rockers rejected a request to meet Miley
Who is Miley Cyrus? The one with all the gums? She gotta get a gum transplant . . .(explecit words). Get like Britney Spears and do some heroin. Do like Lindsay Lohan and start seeing a lesbian and get some crack in your pipe. Catch chlamydia on a bicycle seat. That’s what I want.” Foxx said.
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